Cafe & BarStar
Living with art. A lifestyle proposal that expands the world.
he orange counter is decorated in the image of Hermès, and the backyard is lined with 60 to 90 carefully selected sweets from Japan and abroad. You can order based on your inspiration. If you ask the owner, he will gladly help you choose sweet and spicy types of sweets. Enjoy an "Ichigo-Ichie” (once-in-a-lifetime encounter) like when you were a child and wondered what today's snack would be. The Star’s seasonal drink line-up includes blended coffee, carefully selected Japanese teas, limited-quantity craft beers, rare Shiga sake, and the owner's own selections of drinks that are always available. While you are welcome to enjoy a leisurely lunch, every Friday and Saturday night is "Snack Night" where the lights are dimmed, and the counter is lit with stand lamps by various creators.
The atmosphere is completely changed to create a more mature hideaway, and you are invited to come to the nighttime session with a different look and feel. There is a special secret base where is taken advantage of the unfavorable location, and cool adults gather. The store’s display is constantly changing. The variety of things never lose their freshness, making it an exciting place to be. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire store is a work of art, as each brand products, painting, photo, and furniture displayed in a casual manner has a story to tell and is filled with the power of authenticity.
The exhibition space hosts monthly exhibitions of works from various genres, and every time you go there, you will encounter something new. You can sit in a design chair and enjoy the art while sipping a nice drink, or you can just browse the galleries.
If you say, "I don't know much about art," come and join us, we will have a lot to talk about. You can learn about a world you never knew existed, and you may even meet some of the artists. The Star provides spaces, works of art and gadgets to inspire their guests, and there is a permanent display of art available for purchase. Art for your apartment, your foyer, your living room, your shop, or your office.
1977年愛知工業大学卒後、滋賀県彦根市の今はなき、セレクトショップ「Silvers」に入社し、16年間、販売、バイヤーを務めました。その後、彦根市美容室「LIVES」マネージャー兼、経営をし、2020年、東近江市にGallery&cafe Starオープン。Cafeでは、90種類のお菓子に合わせてコーヒー、和紅茶、ジュース、ワイン、ウイスキー、日本酒、焼酎などを提供しています。また、Galleryでは関西を中心の新進気鋭のクリエーターの作品を展示販売しています。