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ABOUT Kamihaneda Cellar

Kamihaneda Cellar


滋賀県東近江市の田園風景に囲まれた静かな集落に「KAMIHANEDA CELLAR(カミハネダセラー)」がある。
KAMIHANEDA CELLARはヘアサロンとカフェとギャラリーのある複合店。かつて米蔵として利用されていた築80年のイメージをそのまま残した外観で、店内に入ると鉄の扉や丸太のままの柱と土壁の素朴な風合い、梁の木組みなど、穀物倉庫がもともと持っていた雰囲気を活かしながらも、モダンになり過ぎないよう、無機質なガルバリウム鋼板の仕切り壁を配していて、とにかく格好いい。
KAMIHANEDA CELLARの最大の特徴は、店内全体をギャラリーに見立てていること。絵画やオブジェ、工芸作品などがディスプレーされており、チェアなどの家具の入れ替えも適宜行われ、五感が刺激されるようにと美しいもの、優れたデザインが随所に飾られている。

Kamihaneda Cellar

KAMIHANEDA CELLARの世界観をつくる象徴となったエルメスのスカーフは、ゲストに新鮮な刺激を提供するべく毎月チェンジされている。ラグジュアリーな空間とエルメスアートのマリアージュを是非みて欲しい。アートコレクターでもある夫妻は、常に進化し続けたいと常々アートに触れる為の美術館巡りは欠かさず、全国各地の色々な場所、刺激を受けられるところに足を運ぶように心がけている。
アートのある暮らしは人生をより豊かなものにしてくれることを自ら実証している2人だからこそ、KAMIHANEDA CELLARが人と人、アートと人との出逢いの場になってくれることを願っている。

Rebuild 80-year-old granary

KAMIHANEDA CELLAR is located in a quiet village surrounded by the rural landscape of Higashioumi City, Shiga Prefecture.
Basically KAMIHANEDA CELLAR is a complex, which includes a hair salon, a café and a gallery.
The exterior of the store retains the image of an eighty-year-old building that was once used as a rice warehouse. As you enter the store, you can sense the rustic look of the iron door, the unaltered logs of the pillars and earthen walls. Furthermore, the wooden beams and other elements of the warehouse’s original atmosphere are used to create cool, inorganic galvanized steel dividing walls to avoid an overly modern look.
The most distinctive feature of KAMIHANEDA CELLAR is that the entire store is designed as a gallery. Paintings, objects,

Kamihaneda Cellar

and craft works are displayed and chairs and other furniture can be replaced appropriately. The five senses are stimulated by the beautiful objects and design displayed throughout the place.
This place is a blend of the old and the new, that embraces a variety of styles of artwork and the way in which the artworks are brought to life is very impressive. The orange and brown Hermès colored door, the door on the right as you enter opens to the hair salon. Straight ahead, a prison-like steel door with a neon sign and vintage locks, opens to a secret adult base, an overwhelmingly avant-garde café and a gallery! One of the attractions are “Snack Night” on Fridays and Saturdays, where the lighting changes from 6 p.m. to create a different atmosphere at the counter than during the day.You can also visit the gallery on its own, so we invite you to experience this unusual space.The Hermès scarf displayed behind the shampoo table at Day-Sign is one of the success stories of Star store owner Hamada, who has been purchasing the scarf every year and decided to open a shop when they had collected 12 scarves.
The scarves, which became a symbol of KAMIHANEDA CELLAR's world view, are changed every month to provide guests with a fresh stimulus. The marriage of luxury and Hermès art is a must see.
The couple, which owns the store, are art collectors, and in order to keep evolving, they always visit museums to get in touch with art, making sure to visit various places around the country to get inspiration.
They have proven for themselves that living with art enriches life, and that is why they hope KAMIHANEDA CELLAR will become a place where people can meet each other, and art can meet people.
From KAMIHANEDA to the world, and from the world to KAMIHANEDA. It is worth coming to Shiga just to meet Mr. and Mrs. Hamada with their friendly and cheerful personalities.